New Year, New You! 6 Tips for Goal-Setting in 2022

Can you believe there are only 8 more days until 2022 is here? YAY! I think we can all agree that 2021 has been a whirlwind of a year. With the start of the new year, it’s not only time to set goals and resolutions, but to reflect on this past year and all that you have learned and accomplished. Feel free to grab a piece of paper and begin journaling!

Notebook planner pen and candle - like a boss, girl boss. Tips for planning resolutions and goal setting for the new year in 2022.

Like a Boss Party Box

Looking back on this past year, it’s time to reflect. What was your biggest accomplishment? What are you most grateful for about this past year? What clarity did you gain? What lessons did you learn from the challenges you faced? Which relationship most supported your growth this year?

If you want to be your best self in 2022, it’s important that you truly think about this past year, what you have learned, what you value and what steps you need to take to become the person you want to be. Honesty is key! 

New years, new years eve, NYE. Tips for goal setting and planning resolutions for the new year in 2022.

Photo by Kate Hliznitsova on Unsplash

Here are 6 tips for goal-setting in the new year:

1. Think about your values

Your goals will hold more meaning if you align them with your values. Plus, you’ll be more motivated to accomplish them! Focus on prioritizing whatever is the most important to you. 

2. Consider your habits

Habits can be helpful or hurtful in accomplishing your goals. How might your habits affect your success? Think about what you need to change and what you should keep doing to make the most progress. 

3. Write it down

You’re more likely to remember something if you write it down, so why not make a list? A planner, notepad and pen go a long way in creating your best self. Put your goals up in a place where you are likely to see them (and a piece of motivation as a constant reminder of why you’re doing what you’re doing)! 

4. Keep yourself accountable

Making life changes can be difficult and with the hustle and bustle of everyday life, it can be hard to keep track of your goals. Choose a trusted friend, family member or partner to help keep you accountable and check in on your progress throughout the new year. 

5. Set short and long-term goals

When you’re looking at the big picture, don’t forget about the small details. Short-term goals will help boost your confidence and guide your journey toward reaching your long-term goals. Reward yourself with every step you accomplish, no matter how small it may be. A lot of hard work goes into achieving your long-term goals and it’s important to give yourself a break along the way. 

6. Make your goals SMART 

To set a clear focus and purpose behind your goals, consider whether they are SMART. Are they specific? Measurable? Achievable? Realistic? Timely? Choose a well-defined, attainable goal with a specific timeline and progress points. If you follow this guideline, your chances of achieving your goals will improve!

nye new year new years eve party box with confetti sparklers noisemakers and disco ball tumbler to celebrate the new year in 2022

New Year's Eve Party Box

When you’re setting your goals, envision how you see yourself at the end of the year. Choose 3 words that capture your intention for 2022. Consider what will make you happy and determine what success means to you. You can do this!

Cover photo by Amy Shamblen on Unsplash  

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