Sanity Booster
While social distancing and remaining quarantined is crucial right now, I think we can all agree that being isolated SUCKS. Especially for us Washingtonians who NEVER see the sun. I swear, the day that we were told to stay indoors the rain stopped and the sun came out of nowhere. W. T. Actual. F.
It’s cool though. We've enjoyed watching people stay sane by finding creative ways to get out of the house while continuing to social distance. Here are a few ideas to help you.
If creative date nights were hard for you before, they're definitely harder now. One idea to get out of the house for a date night is to grab a bottle of wine, grab a to-go dinner from a local restaurant (help out small businesses, if possible), and drive to a nearby lookout to look over the city. BAM. Date night complete.

Photo by Derick McKinney on Unsplash
I don’t know about you, but my New Years resolution was to get fit...I have not accomplished that yet. BUT, I no longer have the excuse that I don’t have the time. So, go for a run if it’s nice out, take the dogs for a walk, or go to your roof for some rooftop yoga!

Except, this road trip’s destination is back to your prison cell, woops, I meant house. Drive somewhere nice! Go see some mountains, get a change of scenery, bump some music. As long as you're safe and not contaminating things or other people, you deserve to go drive somewhere.

With no ESPN, recreation, and work (for a lot of us), things to do are dwindling. Play some board games with your family (or yourself, I play solitaire a lot). A good one is Settlers of Catan. While it’s expensive ($50 for the expansion pack (5-6 players)), it takes 45 minutes per game and is A LOT of fun. I am also a HUGE cranium fan. You can pick both games up from Target’s pick-up spots.

I’m sure you have already started this but with all of this extra time, house projects can finally get done. Repaint that accent wall, change out those cabinets, refurnish some furniture, heck BUY NEW FURNITURE. Make that dream house a reality.